Second Chance at Life

Warning: This post might trigger you if you are sensitive to certain topics of discussion. If you don't feel like you are in a place, mentally or emotionally, to read this save it and come back later.

I've never had a true near death experience. I've never had to be brought back from the dead. I've never seen the "other side". I can tell you that I lived entirely too close to death for far too long though. During the years I suffered with addiction I teetered close to the line. Even before my addiction I had issues but they really came to a head at the bottom of each bottle.

I dealt with suicidal thoughts. I had a liver that was dangerously close to just quitting on me. I was going in about every 6 weeks at one point just to make sure my numbers weren't climbing any higher. I lived in fear every night that I wouldn't make it through until morning because of alcohol poisoning. I was closer to accidental overdose than I care to admit. Just a tip. When they say don't mix alcohol and prescription medication? It's not just a friendly suggestion. Far, FAR, too many people are dying these days from accidental overdose simply from combining medication with alcohol.

I promised God on more than one occasion "if I just make it through the night I'll do better". I promised and bargained all SORTS of things.

Well. I made it through the night. I'm not perfect but I really am trying to do my best to be better. I am trying to be the best version of me.

Sometimes I share to help others. Sometimes I share because for me it's healing. Tonight is one of those nights where I'm sharing for me. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for where my life is at right now. I
have a LONG way to go, in a lot of areas. I'm sober enough to think straight to even type this blog. My mind is at peace. My body is functioning the way it's designed to.

So, though I didn't have a NDE, I HAVE been given another chance at living the way life was intended to be lived.

I want to encourage you. Ever additional second that you are given is a new chance at life. I believe in you. I believe in the best parts of you. I believe in your potential. I believe that you too will start living YOUR best life starting now.

Until next blessed.
