Mind Boggling Optical Illusions (And the people that are living examples)

Allow me to start by saying this: I will be posting some pictures of optical illusions and general eye/mind trickery. I've had these pictures downloaded for a while so I can't honestly give credit to where they originally came from. If it's your personal work let me know and I'll give credit where credit is due.

Most of us have seen some sort of optical illusion in our life. Most often it's something that either our eyes play a trick on us or our minds do. I personally find optical illusions fascinating. This is one of my all time favorites:
What do you see? A beautiful young woman staring off into the distance? That's what most people see to start with. If you stop and focus on a different part of the picture often you will suddenly see an old woman with her head covered. Then some people see them both right at once....it just depends on how your mind works.

I'm sure most of you remember THE DRESS right? I mean.....THE DRESS. It basically broke the internet.

Is it white and gold or black and blue? This hurt people's heads forever it seemed. The most recent illusion that I heard about people struggling with is this:
It's just a plain ole' brick wall. The picture is taken at an angle and it's fairly simple. Or is it? *Spoiler Alert-I'm about to tell you what's there* So all I saw was the brick wall the first time I looked at it....then I saw "it". It's a cigar sticking out of the middle of the wall.
So what do optical illusions have to do with anything? Well I'll put it this way. Most optical illusions have an element to them that is hidden. Once it's seen most people can't un-see it. I find people to be this way. There are people that are this perfect image with this perfect life and the "picture" is just great....then you SEE it. It might not be anything major or it could be a huge flaw that you never expected.
On the flip side there are people that are just a hot mess. All you see is the chaos and destruction and one day in an instant maybe you see a flicker of love or kindness. You will never look at them the same again.
I don't really have a point to this post or a moral. It was just a thought that struck me the other day. Most optical illusions leave people seeing one side or another. I'm one of those weird ones that can see both. Until next time....be blessed.
