Emergency Preparedness (This Isn't About Atlanta Weather or Hurricaines)

I had an interesting experience this week. I was getting up to go to school and man did my day start rough. I overslept by 10 minutes (which can make a HUGE difference if you are running late) and when I went to start my car my battery was dead. I had two small children plus myself to get ready. I had to load all of my school stuff for the day. I had no coffee!! I had a quiz and I'm sure my professor wasn't going to hold class up just for me. This had the makings for a very rough morning.

Did my day go down the tube? Nope. It was actually really fantastic. When I realised the car was dead I immediately went to my husband's truck and got his jumper cables. Jumper Cable - 5 feet - MC-245 (Google Affiliate Ad) They were exactly where they were supposed to be. I got the car started. While I did that hubby got the kids ready. He did this in less than 10 minutes because we had all of their stuff laid out the night before. We loaded the kids and both grabbed the school stuff as quickly as possible. By the time I got all settled in the car and looked at the clock, I realised I was almost 10 minutes ahead of schedule. McDonald's here I come!! I even got my coffee. Oh yeah.

Ok so while that may not have meant a whole lot it got me to thinking later in the day. How prepared am I mentally/emotionally/spiritually for an "emergency"? If I have a rough day am I already so drained that it sucks the life out of me and turns into a rough few days/rough week/month even? If someone brings to my attention something devestating does it shatter my world? If I am subjected to large amounts of negative thinking does it drag me down? No. Because daily I prepare myself for such events.

I pray. I read inspirational things. I surround myself with people that lift me up and bring greatness into my life. I seek out a higher education. I am continually growing. So sure I may have an "emergency" so to speak, but I am prepared. I can assess the situation, process it quickly, but then I am able to move on. I can roll with the punches. I am so thankful for all of the people in my life that have helped me become this way!
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Good Stuff Continued... 
