Thanksgiving 2K18

Wow y'all. I can't even believe how long it's been since I've posted a blog!! This past year has been crazy. Like. Nuts. Over the top. Crazy. I PROMISE I will update you in my next post but for today I just want to share a few things that I'm thankful for. It is Thanksgiving after all.

In no certain order:
My family.
My home. 
My vehicles.
My friends. 
My jobs (yes I am presently working on multiple streams of income...that's the way to go y'all).
My new Keurig coffee maker.
ALL THE FOOD I had today.
All the essential oils I had for all the food I had. 
Sobriety. I'll be sharing more on this later but I'm like 10 months or so sober. 
Comfy socks.
Ceiling fans.

It's short and sweet. But it's all real. Until next time, be blessed.
