Richie Rich Part 3

After the last two blogs "Richie Rich Part 1 & 2" (yes it's been a hot minute ago) I've been trying to decide what all to cover in this third installment. I've said it before but allow me to say it again. I'm not a financial advisor or anything along those lines. I'm simply a normal every day person who has tried to learn about financial issues and apply them in my own life. If you screw up your finances you can't blame it on me. I am just sharing some things I've learned along the way. So...what to cover?
Well I've come to realize as I'm trying to put these blogs together that there is SO MUCH more to cover than three small blogs will allow. I've had several people ask that I do a weekly piece on finances. Quite honestly I'm not sure that I'm totally qualified to do that. So with this final installment (it is final unless I just really feel led to post more) I'm going to cover some general thoughts related to saving money and earning extra money.

Obviously looking for sales or lower prices can save money. We've used Zenni Optical for years (and yes if you click on the link it's a referral for us to both earn $5 glasses credits). I also frequent online yard sale sites. I try and purchase Christmas big ticket items the year before which can be tremendously discounted. I use coupons when I remember. I switched my bank account to "fee free" banking. There's usually conditions that go with that like deposit a certain amount or don't get paper statements. I used to drink coffee out every day but I invested in premium coffee at home and take the 3 minutes to make my own. I still splurge every now and then but mainly it's at Java House of Payne.

There are a TON of ways to save money that people don't often think about. The first one that comes to mind (simply because I'm working on my grocery list for next week) is menu planning and weekly grocery shopping. I try my hardest, sometimes without much success, to go into the grocery store fully prepared. The plan is to carry a list and coupons and to shop right after I've eaten at least a snack. It's be scientifically proven (ok maybe that's a stretch) that if you go shopping without a plan and on an empty stomach you will spend five times what your budget was. Like I said that's a stretch but I personally have found that if I daily shop (3 or 4 thing here and there) or if I shop hungry I will spend anywhere from $20-30 more in a week's time than if I'm prepared. At one time I was huge into coupons. Even without coupons by using the Kroger app (I'm always checking what's on sale there) or the WalMart Savings Catcher I save money. With Kroger (or other stores that have Rewards cards) you save on the front end and with something like Savings Catcher you save after the shopping is done. There are other savings apps out there I just don't use anything else at this time.

I mentioned this before but paying bills on time can save hundreds of dollars a year in late fees alone. Forbes states that 3/4 Americans have at least 1 credit card. Hypothetically if you and your spouse each have 2 credit cards, with a late fee of $25/month on the card, and you pay late on both cards 6 times in a year, you could pay a minimum of $300 in fees alone. I know some people might not mind but that can really add up.

I'm a total fan of going out occasionally but I think the movie theater is a huge rip off. For my family of 4 tickets alone cost at least $40 (unless we do a matinee). That's not including any snacks or drinks once we get there. Not to mention the fact that my 6 year old without fail has to pee during a movie 619 times. I'd just as soon pay my little $2 for a RedBox (which you can also earn points for free rentals) and set up camp at home where we can hit pause as many times as the little princess needs and we can buy a thousand times the amount of snacks that we could in theater. Like I said....we still go out occasionally but as a whole we don't see movies the minute they hit theaters. 

I could go on and on...and on....but I won't. So for a couple of money maker ideas....and none of these are get rich quicks.....
LetGo is an app for selling things online. I've been using it simply because I find it more convenient than something like Craigslist
InBox Dollars (Referral Link) is a site where I earn for completing surveys or searching the web or watching a few videos. I typically earn $30-50 per year with just a couple of minutes a day. That money usually goes straight to savings.
Swagbucks is another site I've started using. Clicking the link here can get you $3.
Most survey sites or things of that nature have started paying out in e-certificates but then you can use them practically the same as a plastic gift card.
Have a hobby (woodwork/painting/etc) that you enjoy but instead of making one of something you like make 2 and sell one.
If you are in the position MLM companies are a GREAT way to generate extra income. I sell Young Living Essential Oils. You can email me at for more information on that! There are a TON of MLMs though and it's easy to find one to fit your lifestyle and your needs.
DIY as much as you can. Now I'm not talking play with live wires if you aren't a certified electrician but if it's something as simple as changing a lightbulb (which my grandmother literally did not know how to do)....try it yourself...the key is to turn the power off first.

I know that's a hugely overwhelming amount of information but hopefully somewhere along the way you got something.....anything....that will help you financially now and in the future! Until next blessed!
