Orlando (Need the title really say more?)

*This image is from TheOdysseyOnline
America (once again) is waking up with a broken heart...a broken spirit. My mind has swirled with the sheer amount of emotions I'm seeing people exhibit. I've seen love. I've seen hate. I've seen compassion. I've seen ignorance (which I understand isn't an emotion...but still).
I laid in best last night thinking of what words I wanted to say to express my personal feelings on this tragic event. There really aren't even words that would cover it all. I could write about the Bible and all the scriptures against LGBT. I could write about the Bible and all the scriptures on love and being non judgmental. I could call for my friends and family to arm themselves. There are about a thousand things I could write about. Everyone of them would be both right and wrong. Instead I'll write this:
At the end of the day families were torn apart. There are furbabies with no parents. A place in history was just carved out. Today please just hug someone. Be kind to a stranger. Spread love. But more than just today...do this EVERY day. Keep a light inside you always on. Be a nice human.
Prayers to all touched by this tragedy. May you find peace and comfort in the long days to come.
