Becoming Spiderman (And Some Stuff About Goals)

*Picture from Marvel

Here's a moment of transparency for you: Lately I've had some goals. I had things I wanted to do/achieve in set amounts of time. I sucked. I didn't reach those goals. Why? Some was my own fault. Some was not so much my fault (not blaming others but there are certain things out of my control). So let's talk about goals.

What is a goal? Goal by definition of Merriam-Webster (in the sense I'm using) is "the end toward which effort is created". Simply see an end result and then put effort towards getting there. I think people get really derailed with goals though. Now I am by no means a guru/expert/anything of that nature but I've really searched out a lot about goals and visions in my recent years.

There are do's and don'ts of goal setting. Many people fail before they even get started because of the wording of their goal. Let's take "weight loss" as an example. I understand that the end result is to lose weight. That statement reinforces "weight" every time it's used. So something as simple as "I'm moving towards an overall healthy lifestyle" is better than "I'm going to lose weight". (Yes this is one I'm personally working on and I catch myself DAILY having to change my wording).

Another reason goals fail is due to unattainability. I understand ANYTHING is possible...key word "possible". If I set a goal along these lines "By this time tomorrow I'll be a multi millionaire" it would be similar to me saying "By this time tomorrow I'll have superhuman strength and be able to sling webs with my hands". My point is it's POSSIBLE that I get bitten by a radioactive spider the same way it's POSSIBLE I win millions of dollars on the lottery. It's POSSIBLE to have surgery and wake up hundreds of pounds lighter....most of those don't happen every time they are put out there as a goal. Make goals realistic to your lifestyle and situation. If savings is a goal make it a goal you know you will succeed at. Determine to save even $1 a day...even if that means going out and hunting change in a parking lot.

Goals also fail because, looking back at the definition, people don't create effort. While I'm planning to live a healthier overall lifestyle and be in the best shape of my life I can't sit around and eat Oreos all day to get there. I have to generate effort. If I want to be a millionaire by retirement I have to work for it.

Goals need constant reevaluation. If my goal is getting to a certain weight I might change my diet and excersise in an extreme manner. Once I reach my goal weight I have to reevaluate my lifestyle so I don't wind up unhealthy on the other end of the scale.

I recently had set some lofty goals for myself. They were attainable but I really was going to have to put in the effort. I put in some effort but not 110% like I could have. I felt deflated for a while but I put my big girl panties on and started over. Goals are fluid. They are adjustable. Unless you literally carve your goals in stone....well...then nothing is set in stone.

My challenge to you today: Look at goals that you have let slide. Reevaluate them and see how you can take them on again head first. Until next blessed!
