Keeping Up With The Joneses

Photo Credit: Daniel Barnes- UnSplash
Hello there faithful reader! Or if you're a first-timer who just stumbled upon this wonderful blog, welcome to you as well. I'm just a regular, awesome, chick doing regular, awesome, things. Sometimes I write about random stuff in my head. Sometimes I write about real life stuff. Today is going to be a combination of the two.

I'll start with my random stuff in my head. The other day I saw where a friend had posted on social media something about "keeping up with the Joneses is hard". I would say that on the one hand I have to agree with that. It's hard to constantly try and be something/someone that you aren't. On the other hand I would say this...if you truly want to live the life of the Joneses why don't you do what the Joneses do and put your head down, work hard, and achieve things? I'm not saying it's easy but at the end of the day you CAN live like the Joneses without it all being a scam. End of random head thoughts.

On to those real life things I was talking about. I had another social media friend that in the past few weeks has posted daily (if not multiple times a day) about their financial struggles. They are always needing assistance with one thing or another. On other posts they are saying how they just got a new car, they just bought all their kids new tennis shoes, they just ordered thousands of dollars of inventory for their MLM business...and so it goes. Well this friend got upset when someone called them out about it. They said it was no one's business how things were happening.

This is where I agree with my friend. Who's to say that their Mom didn't pay for their new car so that the kids were in safe transport, their kids shoes were given to them by someone who knew they needed it, and their inventory for their MLM is just adding to their mountains of debt? It's NOT anyone's business how they make things happen.

Here's the flip side to that. If my friend wasn't constantly going around lamenting over finances then no one probably would have questioned them in the first place. I think the same can be said for someone who is always posting negative things about their relationship and then suddenly show up engaged and ready to marry the love of their life.

I guess my point in all this is "Don't give people ammunition". I know we live in a world where social media makes it easy to document our every single moment but unless you want people questioning those moments...why not just keep certain details to yourself? I'm not saying be a hermit or anything like that I'm just saying (and I'm stepping on my own toes a bit) be careful the ammunition you give to others.

Challenge for today: Be real. Be you. Until next blessed.
