Eat Cake...Lose Weight!! My Personal Diet Program!

Hey you! For those of you that read/care about my personal life I just wanted to say what a great weekend I had. I was able to spend a little quality time with my folks and then spent Father's Day with my wonderful husband and kids. I may want to wring his neck sometimes but I sure do love that guy!!

That was short and sweet and now on to my point...those of you that know me outside of the vast world known as the internet know that I've been struggling with my weight lately. Struggle may not be the right word. Struggle I think would imply I'm actively TRYING to lose weight and can't. Pretty much I put on a good bit of weight (for my height/frame) a while back and haven't lost it. Why not? Well....I like cake...and cookies....and pretty much anything sweet/savory/food of any sort. Get the picture? Yeah. So I WANT to lose this weight...I really do...but not enough that I've made decent life changes to support that desire.

Well I was thinking about it the other day and relating it to you and your dreams of more. Maybe you have thought about having more money, more free time, more peace....the question is...have you gone on a diet yet? I know I speak metaphorically a lot but that's how I am able to relate one thing to another.

Let's say your dream is more money. Maybe you are doing the Law of Attraction, or meditation, or whatever....but have you cut back your spending? I'm not saying have a mindset of lack but in order to see change things always have to CHANGE. I will NOT lose a pound of this weight I put on without saying no to the cookies every now and then. You will NOT get ahead financially continuing to live in the same cycle you have lived in for years.

When on a weight loss journey I don't think I've ever seen anyone lose 43 lbs overnight. Now I'm not saying you CAN'T become a millionaire over night (It happens all the time) I'm just saying it's more likely your journey will take time. So be patient but be persistent. Your change WILL come. Until next blessed (and maybe eat a cookie for me?)
