You're Junk and I'm Junk In This Life

This is a post copied and pasted directly from my site since I'm not techy enough to figure out how to share just one post instead of a whole page. Hope you enjoy it:

We are all just junk. It's a true story. I wouldn't lie to you my readers. Well don't go getting all mad at me. Let me explain.

The other day my husband and I were cleaning out our little girl's bedroom. We were rearranging a few things and getting rid of a few things. So my husband said to me "Honey it's about time for a yard sale don't you think? I mean just look at all this junk lying around." Well for starters my daughter wouldn't think her toys were junk but I'm sure you get the point. So I said to him "Well one man's junk is another man's treasure." Now if you follow my writings at all or know me personally I'm sure you know this presented an "ah ha" moment for me.

We are all just junk. I remember being told one time by someone who I worked with that my "pushy" attitude, as she called it, was a terrible detriment to my character. I had another person tell me that speaking what was on my mind all the time was rude. I've had people tell me that I'm too loud. Others have said I'm too smart (is that even possible?) or that I'm a know it all. To these people my traits were just junk. They had no use for them. I couldn't serve them in any way.
But what was the last part of that saying? Oh that's right. One man's junk is another man's treasure. That "pushy" attitude of mine has been what has gotten me by in life. I push through situations. One of my bosses said I was the best employee he had ever had because I didn't let anyone walk over me. I had a dear friend of mine say that in a world of lies and people that hide their selves my tendency to speak what's on my mind is refreshing. Being loud? least I can get the attention of the whole family when all 7 of the kids (nieces and nephews) are in one room and no one else can get them to listen. Being too smart, or a know it all as some see it, has come from my life long thirst for learning. If that's a bad thing...well I'm just bad then.

All the things in my life that were one person's junk turned out to be someone else's treasure. Just remember that in your own life. Just because someone tells you that you are worthless doesn't make it true. Today my challenge to you is this: Look at the "junk" that you think you hold in your life. See how it is someone's treasure, polish that treasure, and let it shine! Until next blessed.

