The Source

I did something "bad" recently and I'll admit it. I'm a member of a certain group on social media. I saw where a friend had posted some news. It was interesting enough that I wanted to know more but I didn't want to seem too nosy. So I chose instead to email a mutual friend who I was certain would know more about this news. I asked a few questions and they answered. My curiosity was satisfied. Granted this particular post wasn't life/death and it wasn't something super private to where I was intruding....but still....I didn't go to the source of the post to ask questions.

I've found so many times in my life I've had situations that I have questions about. Maybe it's my finances, maybe it's my relationships, maybe it's my get the point. What I have found though is I'll ask this person or that person what they think without going to my "source". I'll wait until I've exhausted ALL other avenues before going to God. I know some people don't believe in that whole "ask God what to do" thing but I do. So at the end I'm left with 86 different opinions on how to live my life or change my situation and God is the last one I ask. I think a lot of people do this. I'm not sure why.

Maybe we look at God and think "I'm not important enough to be answered" or "I just don't want to be a bother" similar to how I may have been feeling when I went to my friend. Let's flip it around though. Let's say I'm the friend that made the post. Maybe in the moment I don't think about taking the time to notify every single person I know. So a few weeks later let's say I find out friends were asking other friends about it. I might not be mad. I might simply think "Wow if they had come to me first I could have told them right away". Maybe God feels that same way.

Moral of the story is this: If you want to know an answer....ask the source. To each their own....pray, meditate, heck jump on the trampoline if it's where you find your clarity but when you have questions...go to the source.

Until next blessed.


  1. I fail to go to the "Source" a lot of time because my nature is that I can do it all by myself. I am independent and find myself waiting until I am drowning before I ask for help. I let it go way too far before sometimes even realizing what I have done. I am one of those that think I don't need any help but without Him I really don't do it the right way!!! I for one need to learn to go right to the Source and get my answer!!! Love it!!


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