All Shook Up (An Epiphany Regarding Change)

My blog titles are often misleading. It's not intentional I swear. I just try and come up with something catchy that somehow relates to what I'm writing. That's neither here nor there to this post. Disclaimer of the day: This is a rant. It's a rant I go off on quite often. I'm ALMOST certain I've even blogged about it before but since I can't find the post I'm just going to write a whole new one. Ok. Now that the scene is set I shall get to business.

I saw an article this morning where Wendy's is going to be installing self serve kiosks to offset recent wage increases. I think that's pretty cool. I also think it's cool they increased wages. Here's what upset me. As I was scrolling through looking at all these comments I saw a comment (which has since been deleted) from a lady who said something to the effect of this (again....comment deleted so I'm paraphrasing) "Instead of continuing to find ways to cut out employees companies should try and make their employees feel more appreciated". This woman went on to say how she supports an increase in minimum wage and how EVERY job should be paid the same. That kinda stopped me in my tracks. THIS is where I get upset and yes it will take me on a rabbit trail.

While I'm all for an increase in minimum wage I do NOT feel all jobs should be paid the same. I'm sorry to any fast food worker out there that's struggling to just pay the bills but that job is NOT (in my mind) worth what a nurse should make. I personally know of nurses who make less than $15/hr and literally save lives. I know of law enforcement that comes home at night thankful they survived another day for even less than that.

Now I'm not just targeting fast food workers. I have a real struggle with pro sports and celebrities as well. Can someone explain to me WHY an actor who ACTS like a firefighter gets paid MILLIONS of dollars where in reality the firefighter down the road who just saved a kid from a burning building will never see a million dollars in their whole life? The same can be said for sports. Why do athletes get paid simply to entertain us but I personally know of a doctor who can't afford their own medical bills and just barely is making it.

On a whole I would say that socialism is not the greatest practice but in instances like this I tend to take a more socialist stance. I could literally go on and on about this but I've pretty much covered what irked me. I will close with saying I'm not advocating the boycott of sports or movies (which some people do) I'm just saying surely there's a better way and hopefully it will be found in my lifetime. Until next blessed.
