Hold On A Minute Kid!!

Well hello world. To those of you that follow my blog you know it's been quite a while since I've put the pen to the paper so to speak. I've had writer's block...or something of that nature. I think all great writers go through that a few times in their life. I'm not claiming to currently BE a great writer but I'm looking forward to the day when someone says "Wow...she's really great" (and family doesn't count....they HAVE to say I'm awesome). At any rate...I wanted to share something really revealing that happened to me last night. This post may be a bit longer than some in the past but I hope you will see it through to the end.

I've written several posts regarding my grown up relationship with my creator. Call him/her/it what you will. I call it God. Growing up I was told that God is my heavenly Father. I didn't really come to terms with that until I became a parent. In doing so my eyes were opened to so many things I never thought about before: Ways I've hurt God, ways I could please God, ways that God sees me, etc. I may have written something along these lines before but I don't want to scroll through all my posts to see (if I have then it just makes it double awesome).

Last night I was lying in my bed trying to settle down to sleep. My mind was going a million miles an hour. So much has happened in my life lately and I'm constantly having to shift gears. Normally at night I turn on a Netflix show to let my mind just chill. Well last night I turned everything off and just layed there. Honestly I was worried about some situations I have going on right now. The more I thought about them the more overwhelming they seemed. Now this may seem like a side track but I promise it's not. A few weeks ago my husband and I saw some land for sale that we REALLY desire to have. At this time it's a little out of our budget and that made me have a sad face. So I'm laying in bed last night thinking about all these overwhelming things in my mind and I stopped. I started thinking about this land.

I began to think about how grateful I would feel if we were to get it. I began daydreaming about what kind of house we would put there and how we would landscape. I thought about the ability to have my family on the property with us. I thought about these things in great detail. I imagined sitting on my screened in porch on a cool evening at dusk. I imagined swinging in a porch swing with a warm cup of cider in my hand. I just let my mind go wild. All of a sudden I had this amazing sense of relief wash over me and the words "Hold on a minute kid" came to mind.

Most of you know I have two children. Most of the time they are amazing. Sometimes they are....well....brother and sister. They fight like cats and dogs. It never fails though the MINUTE one of them needs me the other one simultaneously needs me as well. I think in a days time I say "Hold on" or "Just a minute" more than anything else. Usually if I'm saying hold on it's because I'm dealing with something more pressing. For example...getting dinner on the table all at once, still hot (without burning anything), before a late night ball game, AND making sure the kids are ready is typically more important than Amelia (the nearly 5 year old) needing her Barbie's hair braided like Elsa. Sometimes I'll say "Guys just give me one minute to breathe!"

Well what does that have to do with anything you might ask? I'll tell you in the format of another example. The other day I was frustrated because something I was asking God for wasn't happening right when I thought it should happen. Looking back I realized maybe he was telling me "Hold on". Maybe, just maybe, he was helping a mother give birth and send new life into the world. Maybe he was protecting a law enforcement officer in the line of duty. Maybe he was giving a new angel their wings. In all of these things maybe he was metaphorically cooking dinner and all I wanted was my Barbie's hair to be braided. I found myself in bed crying in a sincere apologetic manner that I had acted like such a brat and not waited my turn. I am not the epitome of patience (nor will I ever be) but I promised God and myself I'll try to be a bit more understanding that my timeframe is not the same as his.

Hang on while I go wipe my eyes....they are leaking....

I didn't say any of that to diminish anyone's prayers. Look at it this way. When my 4 year old wants her Barbie's hair braided she has a one track mind. That is the MOST important thing to her right that second. She has no concern for the others around her. She isn't doing it to be ugly or inconsiderate of anyone else she just has her heart and her mind set. And when I say to her "just a minute" she always responds with "You always say just a minute"...to her that's a lifetime.

 So when we as people are praying I don't think it's selfish. I do think though sometimes God is just saying....hold on. At the end of the day when dinner is done, kids are taken care of, and all is right with the world I braid Barbie's hair if that's what Amelia wants. God isn't ignoring you....and while "just a minute" might feel like a lifetime, it isn't.

My challenge to you today is this: Just hold on a minute. Be patient. Give God just a minute to breathe. Your time is coming.
