All The Colors of The Rainbow

Wow. It's been quite a while since I've posted a blog. I've still been writing just in different places. The past year (yeah.....a year since I've has brought so many changes into my life. Some were good. Some were bad. Some were just....changes. The kids have grown by leaps and bounds. I've ventured into my creative side through various outlets to try and keep my juices flowing. But today isn't really about me or the kids or my creativity. Today is about my FaceBook feed.

I'm sure if you are on FaceBook you have seen the NEVER ENDING flood of pictures. It's either a rainbow picture, a rebel flag, or a picture of a husband and wife affirming their stance on gay marriage. Let me just start by saying this...I'm probably going to ramble some here but I want to get my feelings out.

At this point I'm not taking a stance on gay marriage or rebel flags or anything. I'm not saying I don't have a stance I'm just not sharing it publicly. Why am I not sharing it publicly? Well because too many people are. Now I know that people should take a stand for what they believe in. I'm not judging that. I'm just saying why this? Why now?

I see people posting about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket. It may be. It could be the end of the world as we know it. But why does that hinge on gay marriage? What about the fact that every day people are murdered, people are raped, children are abused, and so many other horrific things. Sure people may post the occasional rant about one of these horrors but it's not being focused on. We're just so used to seeing these things that I feel like we've been desensitized to them. I feel like we just pass over these things until it directly affects us.

It's saddened me over the past few days to watch the flood of emotions erupt. I have gay friends *GASP* and I have straight friends. I've seen my "Christian" friends turn into absolute monsters (not all of them mind you). I do understand that the bible speaks in numerous passages about judging others. I also know that as a Christian we are to watch for sin and name it as such.

What is bothering me is the fact that some of the people posting are judging biased. They are picking this one battle simply because they don't like it. I have a "friend" who posted a very judgmental statement while they are living with their girlfriend during a divorce. I have another "friend" who blew up their feed with "One man. One woman." posts who is always gossiping and causing strife. I could go on and on with examples but I really don't feel like it.

So what's my point with all this? I don't know. I guess I just wanted to vent about the hypocrisy of it all. The only advice I have is to pray or do whatever it is that you do that draws YOU closer to your creator. Focus on yourself and your own sins before trying to point out the sin in others. And above all we should love as Christ loves us.
