Questioning God (What About The Dinosaurs)

Growing up I was always taught to never question God. He knows all, sees all, is all so why complicate that with questions that have no purpose. For example I asked my Sunday School teacher one time where dinosaurs went. She said "I don't know and that doesn't really matter. You will find out one day in heaven". I guess for that point and time that satisfied me enough to move on to the next question. As I got older and went through trials and rough times and wondered "why" again I was told God has a reason and a purpose....don't question God.
Well let me get a little side tracked for a minute. Last night I was taking my 3 year old little girl to watch my 6 year old little boy play baseball. On the ride to the field it was just her and me. The ride was much like any other with a three year old. Why is the sky up there? Where do birds come from? Why does the truck go fast? Insert about 600 more questions and you still won't come close to how many she can ask in a ten minute time span.
In the beginning I sort of appeased her with the occasional "uh huh" or a nod in her direction. After having read a recent post though about how fast childhood is gone I decided to live in the moment. I answered each question she posed one by one as best as I could. I told her why the truck went fast, where birds came from, and the sky is just up there.
Why does she ask all these questions? Is asking one time not enough for her to hold on to the answer? Well she asks these questions because she's still new to earth and she doesn't know all the answers. She asks the same questions over and over and OVER again to commit them to memory (heck even as an adult I have to ask more than once about some things). This is the way her world will form....through questions and answers she gets from those around her. She will learn so much this way.
That takes me back to questioning God. Why SHOULDN'T we question God? How do things work? What am I here for? What is this trial all about? Where do I go from here.
See without questions we too are like the three year old that knows nothing. We don't have direction or purpose. Even if we want to do something we may not know how or when is right. So I think by all means we SHOULD question God! After all, who better is there to answer than the one that knows all?
I challenge you today to question God about something. Ask where you are meant to be. Ask what you are meant to be doing. Heck you can even ask where the dinosaurs REALLY went and you just may get an answer. Until next blessed


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