Let Me Take A Selfie

Word of warning. This blog is a complete rant. It's not the worst rant I've ever had but I just thought I'd give my readers a heads up in case they aren't in a ranty kinda mood today.
I would like to start by saying this post is not a rant about the song "Let Me Take A Selfie" although it could be. That song is annoying with a horrible ear hook tendency.
No, today's blog is about the new trend of makeup free selfies *a selfie is a picture taken of one's self by one's self* in "honor" of breast cancer.
As someone whose life has been touched in multiple areas by breast cancer I have to say I'm a little bit offended. What good does a makeup free picture due to save lives? Nada. I'll tell you what a selfie of me without makeup today would do. It would only show that I have acne like a 14 year old little boy right now. It would show my wrinkles that are reminding me I am getting older. It would show some frown lines (I have two small kids....frown lines increase!) It would show some little bags under my eyes where I've not been resting well. Out of all that I doubt anyone would think of breast cancer.
Now I'm not trying to beat down on the people that ARE doing this trend. I'm just saying isn't there a better way? My cousin recently posted on her FaceBook to post a breast cancer fact instead of selfies. Or why not post pictures of breasts that have been removed due to the disease or pictures of people undergoing therapy of sorts?
I know this is a random rant and probably most people would disagree that it's even rant worthy but as I said....breast cancer touches a special place in me. I've lost one aunt to it, another is still fighting the fight, and my Grandmother recently had her battle with it. I have countless others close to me that have had lumps removed and tested and even more drastic surgeries. So today my challenge is this: Find a better way to bring awareness to this disease than selfies. End of rant.
*Breast cancer fact: One in EIGHT women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection is key! Feeling yourself up is the best way to detect early so give 'em a squeeze!!
