Prince Eric The Thief

I have been on a bit of a fairy tale kick lately. I think I watch too much Once Upon A Time or something. At any rate...this post is fairy tale related.

One of my favorite movies ever is The Little Mermaid. I don't know if it's the music, the animation, or the idea that dreams can come true if you are willing to do whatever it takes. Speaking of whatever it you remember what Ariel was willing to do to get her Prince? She gave up her voice. That's deep.

How many times do we see something we think we want and we "give up our voice" to have it? We compromise. We adjust our life to fit this thing or person that we want. We are no longer truly ourselves because a piece of us is missing. Too many times I think people are so eager to get this or that thing that they rush into something too fast and give their voice up (much like Ariel) without reading the fine print.

Granted I know in the end Ariel gets her voice back, gets the Prince, and they all live happily ever after but that's not the point today. That's a whole other post.

My challenge to you today: Take a look at your life and see what areas you have given up your voice in. Until next time...Be blessed!


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