True Love's Kiss

True love's kiss has always been the curse breaker through out time. Granted I'm talking fairy tales here but I have a point.

Yesterday I updated my FB status related to the morning I was having with my son. Goodness he did NOT want to go to school. He was frustrated. I was frustrated. He was yelling. I was almost yelling. Then a thought came to my head. In the Bible there is a verse that says "Love is patient. Love is kind". I began to recite this in my head while dealing with my strong willed little one. I calmed down and didn't start yelling. In fact I lowered my voice to a near whisper and dealt with him in love. He didn't get in much better of a mood but it surely didn't get worse as it would have if I would have started yelling.

So what does that have to do with fairy tales? Well in the fairy tales why was it "true love's kiss" and not just "any old kiss"? Because of the word TRUE. True love's kiss comes from somewhere deep inside where there is a purity. Nothing has tainted the love. It can cross time and space and break curses of evil (Yes still talking fairy tales here). It is true.

Back to the Bible verse. I couldn't shake that thought all day about love and true love and so I began reading the entire verse. It continues (Full Verse) "It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud" and also "it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered". Yeah that last line knocked me in my head. (I struggle with my's no lie). My favorite part other than the beginning I believe is this "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevers". Even true love's kiss was meant to be a protector.

I don't know why this verse stuck so strongly with me but hopefully it was meant to help someone today. My challenge today is this: Don't go around kissing strangers, but try and tap in to true love and love thy neighbor as thy self (Yes that's a whole other post there).

Until next blessed!
