The Best Years...

I was driving to work this morning and I was thinking about all of the amazing stuff that's been going on in my life lately. I won't bore you will all the details but things that I have desired I've seen manifest in some pretty amazing ways. I've seen things happen that I have only dreamed about (No I didn't win the lottery...yet). The thought crossed my mind, and I'm sure you've heard it before, "these are the best years of your life" or maybe "the best is yet to come" or even "good things come to those who wait".

Well it struck me this morning, while all those statments may sound good, all those statements are hurting my future. Well how can that be you might wonder...after all those are all fairly positive statements. To that I would have to say "wrong". If I were to say "these are the best years of my life" then what does that leave me for the rest of my life? A downhill slope. Or if I say "the best is yet to come" and that's all I ever say then the best never will come. I have said to people many times "good things come to those who wait". Well who says we have to continue to wait? I believe that our lives are meant to be not only lived but lived WELL!

My husband sent me a cute picture the other day that said "Words are so powerful they can even do magic. That's why it's called spelling". Our words can literally write the future. The Bible says in the tongue is the power of life and death (or something along those lines...told you before I'm not up to date on my Bible quoting). So if our words can create our future and we are still using our "positive speak" and still not seeing results, maybe it's because what we are speaking is still holding us back.

After I had sat and pondered I wondered what's a better way to say things of that nature? I've decided for me (you do what works for you) I'm going to start saying "The best years of my life are here but I know they will only get better". I challenge you today to take a look at positive things you may be speaking and see how you can tweak them to even put more positivity in there. I feel like so often people hold theirselves back, for whatever reason, simply by the words they do and do not say (and yes I'm sure I could write a whole blog just on how people destroy their lives with simple words but I won't today).

Until next blessed!
