PIF is sort of like the MIB (Men in Black) only much cooler. PIF: Pay It Forward. It's a pretty simple concept that people in this day and time have forgotten. Used to a person could run next door and borrow a cup of sugar from the neighbors. These days one has to be careful that the sugar isn't laced or the neighbor doesn't shoot. I'm semi-kidding. I know all neighbors aren't like that but still...

The past few days I've been filling my FaceBook feed with stories of paying it forward. I have not done it by any means to brag but I've been SO AMAZED at the way some things unfolded. There was a situation for a dear friend of mine that looked dire. They needed several basic needs met. Within four days time these needs were met above and beyond simply because I challenged my FaceBook friends to help me pay it forward. It took very minimal effort on my part and didn't even cost me a dime. All it took really was some care on my end and a few minutes of my time.

I had another instance recently where I was fortunate enough to help and elderly man and woman who were sitting in a vehicle that wouldn't start. It must have been 90 degrees outside and not one person had even offered to help. Again I'm not trying to brag I just am putting it out there to show that it's so easy to PIF. The man had his own cables and everything all he needed was a good running battery. Cost? $0 Time spent? Less than 2 minutes.

Several years ago I was on a weekly PIF mission for a month. These were times when I specifically decided to involve money. I was in the drivethru grabbing my morning cup of java. As I got to the window I decided to pay for the meal behind me. The cashier laughed and said that must be someone I know. I said no I just wanted to be nice. He was in shock. He said he had never seen something like that before. Really? NEVER? Wow. Total time? 60 seconds Cost? Maybe $2. But what I got out of it was a smile that lasted all day knowing that some lady behind me was going to be smiling all day as well.

PIF doesn't always have to take huge amounts of money. There are stories on the news all the time where a person has done a great deed and seen a great reward. What about that lady at the grocery though that's struggling with her kids, 9 months pregnant, nearly in tears, trying to load her purchase. Have you ever thought about offering to help? Again, I know the world isn't quite what it used to be, and you have to be careful when dealing with strangers (kinda sad huh...but that's a whole other post) but honestly what would it hurt to offer a little more good to the world? I don't believe I have ever seen someone suffer a broken arm from holding a door for someone that needed help. I don't think I've ever seen someone fly off the handle and freak out when they find out their coffee has been paid for. For all the bad there is in this world wouldn't it be greater if there was that much more good?

My challenge to you today is simple. PIF! It can be someone you know. It can be a stranger. You can give someone $1000 or you can simply hold a door for someone that's struggling. Mail a letter to someone you've not connected with in a while...not a FaceBook message, not an email...an actual letter that requires a stamp. It shows that you put a little time and effort into your gesture. Just do something nice for someone with out any intention of getting anything in return. Whether you see it immediately or not I can assure you that you will see a positive return into your life. Lord knows I have recently. Until next time...be blessed.
