Look What The Great And Mighty "I" Did!!

Quick disclaimer: I may have already written something along these lines but quite honestly I'm not in the mood to search back through my blogs one by one to check. So if I have you can't sue me because I'm only stealing my own words.

I just wanted to share something. I did something wonderful. It was amazing. I changed a life. I helped someone out of their bleakest moment......Hold on. Let me share something else. Growing up Mom and Dad always drilled into my head "Don't let your good be evil spoken of". They usually were referring to something along these lines. If you're for example a married woman helping a family in need don't go alone to meet the husband of the family in need. People LOVE to talk. Good deed....evil spoken of. Got it?

Well today I would like to put a new spin on that. I DID in fact do a good deed the other day. There weren't many people that knew about it though. I HAVE helped changed lives in my time. I didn't boast it from the mountain tops. You ever see those people that are so focused on what good they have done that it's almost annoying? (Hopefully you don't see me as one such individual). I feel that people and situations like that are so full of boastfullness and ego it almost takes away from the good deed. Don't get me a wrong. A good deed makes a person feel SO GREAT that they want to shout it from the mountain tops. But I personally feel like maybe it's one of those things that should be whispered in the heart.

I have shared lately a good bit with my FaceBook friends about some things I have been trying to get going. The whole basis of it is doing good deeds. I've asked my friends for help along the way. But I've tried to be very discreet to not take credit for anything. I feel like this is a point in my life where God has really led me into something and I in no way want the glory for it. I want people to be able to see the love of other people without ego involved. I've had people lately donate HUNDREDS of dollars to others and their names were never mentioned. They just wanted to help.

My ramblings today are just that. Random thoughts laid on my heart that I wanted to share. But I do have a challenge for you. The next time you do a monumental sized good deed....keep it quiet. I'm not saying you can't ever tell a soul but don't brag. Don't boast. Just enjoy the warmth in your soul brought on by helping another human being (or animal if the case may be). Until next time...be blessed!
