It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

I know I'm a little bit late to the dumping on Miley party but at least I'm showing up. And since it's my party I can cry if I want to. And I did nearly cry...and gag...and want to wash my self in bleach after that video. After seeing things about it since the performance I broke down and visited trusty old Google to see the footage myself. I'm fairly certain my jaw is STILL on the floor. Excuse me for sounding all old and stuff but good Lord what's happened to performers these days??? What happened to the days when people stood still and allowed their God given talent to speak for itself?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on Miley. I mean the girl makes a gajillion dollars a day I'm sure and I know that I'm going to get hate mail for even writing this but come on kid. And yes she's younger than me so she's still a kid.

Allow me to just highlight a few points. I am in NO WAY offended by her dancing around nearly nude all up on some many much older than her. I do it too!! Well granted...I do it at home...with my blinds shut...with my husband...ok so maybe I'm a tad offended by that. I wasn't really offended by her obscene gestures with that poor foam finger. I thought that might be a side effect of some medication she was taking or something. I've got one I take that makes me twitch a little bit too. I wasn't even offended by her hiddeous shoes. Actually I was QUITE offended by that. The girl has all that money and that's the best she did for a live television performance?

Allow me to get back on track. I miss Hannah Montana. I miss the days when the girls voice could nearly melt your soul. I'm not gonna lie. I even owned the first Miley CD. Yeah I jammed to "Party In The USA". I look at these artists now and it's all the same. Crappy dancing that leads them to be winded that leads to crappy singing and millions of people fall all over themselves to see it. Well forgive me but I think I'll waste my money getting my eyeballs disinfected after watching that video.

Honestly out of all the crap, crap, crappiness of that performance the one thing I was concerned with, and I mean genuine concern, is whatever is going on with her tongue. That thing kept falling out. I think I counted 413 times it happened. She should see a Dr.

I know I end most blogs with a I can't even muster one up. I need to wash my hands or something.
