I'm A Sparkler Baby!

It's not the 4th of July nor any other firework inducing holiday but today I want to write a little bit about fireworks. I was looking at someone's post this morning on Facebook and they were discussing a new church they were going to. It's of course the latest, greatest, most awesome thing...since their last church...two months ago. Hang on before you start getting all ill that I'm writing about church folks. I have a point. I have nothing against this particular person and I have nothing against people who try new churches but it prompted a moment inside of me.

I got to thinking about people that come in to ANY situation (see not just church) and they are ready to GO!! You can hardly hold them back. They are doing everything within their power to make whatever they are doing at the time the best. Let's say it's a job (I personally have been here and done it so I know what I'm talking about). They are going to CHANGE THE WORLD in their job. They are going to get two thousand new customers in a weeks time (not impossible but probably not easy in most businesses). They are going to offer the best customer service around. You get my point. Three weeks later they are burnt out, ready to go home before it's even time to leave, and looking for a new job.

Or there's some church people (again I've been here so I can say it). These people come in and get involved in every outreach there is. They sign up for every volunteer position they can. A month or two in they over hear someone making a nasty comment about their child. Oh good heavens. That church is suddenly full of hypocrites, liars, and basically the scum of the earth. They are immediately looking for a new place of worship.

I think you can get my point. Well what in the world do the habits of people have to do with fireworks? I'll tell ya. I bought some fireworks a few years back. I spent a nice penny for a pretty show. I spent more than a pair of shoes and afterwards I wanted to get my money back and head for those nude pumps I was eyeing. Moral of the story is this. Every single one of those beautiful fireworks burnt out with a quickness. I'm talking one or two sprays of glory and it was done. Defeated and disappointed I sat down and broke out my box of sparklers (not the cheap kind but that's a post in its own). I lit my little sparkler and sat and stared at it's beauty. I continued to stare. Then I made patterns in the sky. This one sparkler outlasted nearly my entire "show" with the other fireworks. It wasn't grand, loud, or the biggest show but it was beautiful and it lasted longest. I was able to light other sparklers with my origional (something you typically can't do with other fireworks...you light it and RUN). I was able to keep the fire burning so much longer with so much less.

I said all that to say this. I want to be a sparkler. While I do want to have fire and passion about what I do I don't want to rush in to something only to burn out after a short while. I'd rather have a slow and gradual burn so that I have a longer lasting impression. My challenge to you today is this: Take a look at your life and situations you may be in. Evaluate "Am I a large loud firework soon to burn out or am I a sparkler here for as long as I can possibly be?"

Until next time...be blessed!
