Times When Rape Is A-Ok

Disclaimer: There may be some minor adult content to this post. If you think it will offend you stop reading now. End of disclaimer.

My mind has wandered all day today. I've thought of several things I would like to write about. Usually if I have a thought I'll just throw it out and see what happens. Sometimes I shake a thought off though for fear that the topic won't be well received. Today is such a day. I've had this thought stuck in my head all day. Maybe too much Law & Order SVU last night. Who knows?

Anyway. I just wanted to make a list of times when rape is ok. Before I do that though let me explain MY definition of rape to you. No means no. When someone proceeds that's rape. It could be physical, mental, or even emotional. It could happen once or a hundred times. Men can be raped just as much as women and often times they are more reluctant to pursue justice and treatment. Physically speaking rape is horrible. What's left behind emotionally can be even worse. Even if there's not much abuse with the act it's still something that sticks with a victim their entire life. Sure they may seek treatment and even obtain some sense of closure but that image will forever be with them. Enough about that though. I said I was going to give you a list of times when rape is ok.

You know that girl at the party that's just a little too tipsy and her skirts a little too short? People might say "Yeah she's just ASKING for it". Is rape ok then? Absolutely NOT!!! Rape is NEVER EVER NEVER ok. Let me make myself clear. Never...ever...ever!! I don't care what the circumstances are. Even at a young age I'm already teaching my kids no means no. Now they don't understand it to this extent yet but I want to be certain that they understand one day when they are older.

I personally know someone that was in a situation that was less than ideal. This person and another person were semi-intimate. The other person began proceeding. The person I know said no. The other person continued. There was no physical abuse nor lingering marks. Years later when I found out this happened I asked "Why didn't you tell someone? No always means no." This person said to me "I put myself in that situation so I figured I deserved what I got" Wrong answer Einstein! No man, woman, or child deserves something of that nature.

I've already explained that I don't know why this thought was stuck in my head. Here's to hoping I help someone with this post. If you have been the victim of rape or sexual abuse I challenge you today to take the step towards healing. Here's the link for RAINN where you can find local centers and more. Until next time. Be blessed.

*Blog Update*
Since posting this I have come across several different posts that really resonated with me. The first one is about how good parents can miss sexual abuse and the other one that I found thought provoking is on phrases that you can use to help protect your child from sexual abuse. I've begun incorporating tactics from both of these posts in my own life. As a parent protecting my children is my job and there's no better way to protect them than to keep myself educated!
