From Monkeys to Men

While this could be a super blog writing on monkeys to men I'm actually not going the direction one might think. Yes I have had the thought of evolution on my mind and yes that's what I'll be writing about today.
The Free Dictionary by Farlex (Free Dictionary) gives the following as one definition of evolution: "A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form".

Did you know that that toy poodle walking down the road is nothing more than a grey wolf at heart? Sure it's true. All dogs DNA sequencing comes from grey wolves. So how did we wind up with the dogs we have today? (Stick with me here...I'm not staying on dogs forever)
Well through selective breeding and various lifestyles the dogs we have today came about. Wolves don't bark. They may howl or snarl but they don't bark. Dogs do. Why? Because they feel safe. For a wolf or other wild dog to bark would call attention and possibly result in the loss of a life. So only through time and the feeling of security did dogs develop barking.

Well what do dogs and grey wolves have anything to do with what I normally write? What do they have to do with motivation or self increase? A lot actually. Specifically in their evolution. Now I told you "Monkeys to Men" is just a catchy title. I'm not going down that road. However, I DO believe in evolution! For example: Take a look at today's average teen. They can navigate a computer and a smart phone hundreds of times faster than a teen twenty years ago could have. Technology evolves. Or take a look at the "music" being played today (Yes I use that term loosely). It too has evolved and changed into something different.

My point in all this is really you. How have you evolved? Are you still that bratty kid you were in middle school with the tendency to step on others to get where you need to go? Are you still the hurt little boy that was bullied in school? Are you still the single parent that thinks the whole idea of marriage and a family is a sham?

Or have you evolved? It's great when I see that the bratty little child has turned out to be the most giving and generous person around. I look at the kid that was bullied in school and see that they have become an advocate against child abuse and bullying. I see the single parents that swore off the idea of marriage happily settled into the best life for them (be it married or single). I love to look at people and see how they have evolved. I love to evolve. I am constantly learning and looking for new ways to be the very best me that I can be so that I can raise a new generation (my kids) to be even better than I.

My challenge to you today is both simple and difficult. Remember evolution can take thousands of years. I would challenge you this: Find one area of your life that could be improved on and start the process of evolution! Change into something new, advanced, and better than what you are today! Until next blessed.


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