Evil Grows

With the recent events in both Boston and around the world (a prominent rape case comes to mind) one has to wonder what's going on. I was talking with someone the other day and they said "The world is just a more evil place than it used to be". To that I would say "Nope". Evil has not grown. People have grown. Technology has grown. Evil has done nothing of the sort.

Evil things and evil people have always been around. You want to argue that's not the case? How about slavery? I'm not just talking deep south slavery. I'm talking dating back to hundreds of years before that. How about people being burned alive for choosing a specific religious affiliation? How about shooters taking out presidents? These things have always been around we as people just have faster access to information. Not only do we have faster access but we have greater involvement.

In the past a story with such violence and destruction (as bombings and such) would have went to the people that were there. Word of mouth would have travelled slowly and been passed down through generations. Eventually there would just be a story of days gone by. Now we know what happened, when it happened, and how it happened, almost instantly.

So do I think evil is growing? Not exactly. Evil is just getting more exposure and more current devices of destruction.

I think that with all the inundation of bad things in this world we should look to brighter events. Should we ignore or discredit what happens? No. But we should turn our focus to life and the greatness associated with it. By allowing our minds to be constantly filled with the bad in the world we just give power to those that want to do evil. We turn to fear instead of faith. We hang on the news for the newest development instead of spending time hugging those we love. We spend our time at the park looking over our shoulder instead of pushing our kids on the swing. We watch evil and we miss life.

My challenge to you today is simple. Live now. Be in the moment. Give your thoughts and prayers when devastation happens but don't let it cripple you so much that you forget YOU are still alive. Until next time...be blessed!
