Thanksgiving In March

Those of you that follow me may remember my post about "Christmas In July". Well today I'm posting Thanksgiving in March. I was going to update my status on Facebook and ran out of room so I decided to roll it over into a blog.

I am always a creature of thanks but today I find myself overwhelmed with all that I have to be thankful for. My life has had many ups and downs but as I sit here today I find myself in a better place than ever before.

Often times people list the things they are thankful for in order of importance. I think that's impossible for me to do. I don't want to weigh one thing greater than another when they are all great. So it is what it is:

I'm thankful for my children. While they may drive me to the brink of tears, they are my world. They are happy and healthy and I couldn't ask for any more. I am thankful they are mine. Though they are both of the same blood they are completely different. I never realized the differences that can be so vast in two humans so close. I just love them!

I'm thankful for my job(s). At this time I've been blessed with a steady income with huge potential as well as the ability to work on my writing. I've also been blessed with other investment opportunities that could sustain my family for as long as we wish. Things seem to snowball from one awesome event to another.

I'm thankful for my husband that tries his hardest to help keep me sane (and at times I'm sure it isn't easy). I have been through more in our little decade together than some people go through in 80 years of marriage and we are still together better than ever.

I'm thankful for people that try my nerves. No this isn't an open invitation. I usually find revelation and clarity when dealing with people that frustrate me.

I'm thankful for my God given talent to write. While everyone may be capable of learning to read and write there is something special about being about to form stories and captivate readers. I'm not bragging but I can do that because of the talent I was blessed with. I never want to take it for granted.

I'm thankful for so much more I just don't want to continue one because then you my reader (who I am also thankful for) would be stuck reading the rest of the day!

As always I will leave you with a challenge. I challenge you today to list (even if it's only in your mind) everything you are thankful for. Keep going until you literally can not think of another thing. Don't just rush through it though. Take a moment and REALLY be thankful for each thing that comes to your mind. And beyond that, act on it. Go home tonight and hug your kids. Thank your boss for the opportunity you have been given. 
