Driving Lessons

Yesterday I was on my way to the dentist (gotta keep the chompers in shape) and I was about to pull through an intersection. I looked left. I looked ahead. I looked right. Then I did it all again before pulling through and making my turn. Let me pause to tell you a little bit about my driving style. I was your typical driver until a car accident made me a little nervous behind the wheel. Now, the husband says I drive like a grandma, but I choose to look at it as safe driving. I don't go 12 MPH in a 65 but I rarely speed. I don't run red lights and I don't change lanes like a mad man (or woman as the case may be). You get my point. Well I got to thinking about the highway of life and how we drive.

When we are out there rolling along are we going just as fast as we can and missing the sights? Are we changing from lane to lane because the one we are in isn't suiting us only to find the one we WERE in winds up being the better lane? Do we cut others off just to get a few feet ahead in life?

I'll share with you a little tid bit I learned about being behind the wheel. If you are driving straight and you look at a car heading towards you your natural inclination is to drift towards that car. So looking metaphorically what do you drift towards in life? Are you drifting towards imminent danger? Or are you keeping your eyes straight ahead only glancing around for safety reasons? Do you buckle up? Do you have so much noise around you that you wouldn't hear emergency warnings if you needed to?

I know that's a lot of reaching for comparison but I hope you caught what I was trying to share with you today. My challenge to you today is to apply some "safe driving" skills to your life and your navigation. Until next time...be blessed.


  1. It's great to take our natural everyday routines to find a message for our lives! God speaks to us in so many ways but we must rust Him even in the still small voice. It need not be blaring or loud as day just us listening for Him to speak. The things He has revealed are true..anologies to life. If we don't take our time we miss or endanger ourselves or the lives around us. Everyday I tell myself slow down its not worth it just have patients in the traffic be ause it will perfect you..just slow down because you will most likely make it if you follow the rules...no tickets..lol. Great message! God bless you for sharing..everyone needs to hear God even if He uses another person to speak for Him.

  2. Wow. Thank you to Pastor Tara Lewis for checking this out. Your words mean a lot to me. I pray you are blessed in all you do.

  3. “My challenge to you today is to apply some "safe driving" skills to your life and your navigation.” I just got my driving license and I still don’t think of myself as a pro driver. I must admit that there’s so much that I need to learn. Anyway, I will try my best to be a responsible driver and never lose sight of my path!

  4. Marvis: It's definitely something to be cautious in but not to be fearful. I wish you all the best and safe travels! ~A


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