Thankful For The Cursed

Today I just wanted to take a minute to say how thankful I am for the cursed. I'm not talking hexes and things that follow you for life. I am talking about the things that people choose to curse. I have heard long hair be cursed by people for being old fashioned or outdated. I am thankful for long hair because somewhere there is someone who has no hair.

I have heard people curse screaming infants out in public. While it's not always pleasant I am thankful for that screaming infant because somewhere a Mom and Dad are just wishing to hold their infant one more time.

I have heard people curse gas prices for the past several years. Face it we won't see gas at $0.79 a gallon ever again. Though it's frustrating I'm still thankful for gas prices. They could be far higher than they are.

I have heard people curse police driving well above the speed limit and thinking they are just joy riding. I'm thankful for that officer who could be very well rushing to save someone's life.

I have heard people curse music of various genres. I'm thankful for the variety. It shows that in America we are still a free nation and have the freedom to listen to more than just what the government hands us.

I could go on and on but I hope you get my point. For everything in your life that you curse I'm sure there is someone else in this world that would give everything within them to be in your exact position.

My challenge to you today is: Look at what you have been cursing lately. Re-evaluate and see if you can find something in the situation to be thankful for. Until next time...Be blessed!
