Timing is Everything

Yesterday I was driving down the road thinking about all of the things I am going to see manifested into my life. I was imagining myself in my new vehicle (which I've decided can be pretty much anything as long as it has seven or eight seats and heat and air conditioner!). Anyway. I was thinking about my new vehicle. I was thinking about new shoes and new suits for speaking engagements. I was thinking about various charities I am going to help out and a couple of non-profits I am going to start.  For one brief second I had a flash in my head of "WHY can't I have it all right now?"

Well I got over that thought quickly for myself but it led me to think about how others might feel. I will use the new car example. I know of people (including myself) that have said "I want a new car." They may have prayed that God blessed them with one. They may have done all the "right" things to manifest one. And they look around and it still isn't there. They get frustrated and ask why?? Why am I not getting what I have asked/prayed for??

I would answer that with this: Ok sure. God can give you a new car. You know a stranger on the street could walk up and say "Hey. I don't know why but I feel compelled to give you this brand new Toyota Sequoia with 4 miles on it. It's yours." Holy cow!!! You are on cloud nine right??? GOD GAVE YOU A CAR. So you get home. The car's on empty. You go to fill it up and it's $95. Hmmm....that's twice what you were paying. So then you go to insure this brand new car and it's an astronomical figure that leaves your head hurting. You begin cutting corners to make things work and the next thing you know, you hate this new car because it's "just not worth it".

Or maybe it isn't a car. Maybe you want to make $XXX/year. So you keep talking about how you can't wait and you begin speaking that new job and claiming it. But let's say you aren't specific enough or you rush into something because it looks like what you think you want on the outside. Next thing you know you are working 83 hours a week, missing your kids, missing your church, missing your social events, tired and ill all the time...need I go on?? 

Now let me say that I believe that all the "extras" (insurance, gas, time off, etc) CAN be provided for. My point is simply this...don't get so caught up in the things that you want that you put yourself in a position you shouldn't be in. Know that all things come in perfect timing and that sometimes you just need to wait. Until next time...be blessed!
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