Celebrate Good Times

Today's blog is going to be a little different. It's going to be fairly short and to the point. But it's awesome! Some changes have taken place in the past twenty four hours. They are amazing changes and they are all thanks to YOU! That's right...you the reader. Without your support I wouldn't have made the changes.

After much encouragement and support from my family, friends, and readers I decided to start a website. Now, keep in mind...I am NOT a tech person. It's basic. It's plain. But it's awesome! I'm so excited for this new door opening and I hope you will continue with me on this journey.

So what happens next? Well my blogs here will slow down and eventually cease. Things will transition to the website. Google Sites & Chrome for Dummies (Google Affiliate Ad) You can still expect the same me though. I will continue to write this will just allow me more freedom in some areas. 

You can check out the new website at:
I have been including a challenge in my blogs. My challenge for you today is to go for something that will expand your gift. Go for something that will allow you more room to do what you do best!! 
See you on the new site!
