Soap Is Soap

Last night I got into an OCD mood. I don't do it often but when I do I do it right!! I noticed a cobweb hanging off of my ceiling. Instead of waiting to do it later I grabbed my broom and knocked it right down. Then I noticed my ceiling fan needed to be dusted. Next thing I know I'm taking the blades off my little desk fan and scrubbing them, the grill, and all the gears. I had my little scratch free scrubber in hand and reached to grab some soap.
All I had sitting on the counter was some "pretty" soap from my Mom. She had visited Bath and Body Works a few weeks ago and bought some things for me. So I reached for my soap and then hesitated. I didn't want to use my "good" soap just for scrubbing a fan. Enter my random A.D.D thought of the day.
Most (not all) people have at least 5 or more different soaps in their household. For example in my house I have dish soap, laundry soap, regular hand soap, my "pretty" hand soap, shampoo, body wash for me, body wash for my husband, soap for the kids, shampoo for the kids (tear free of course), and even soap just for the cats. That seems pretty excessive right? Yeah well it struck me that way.
I thought about a comment made by the FlyLady ( She says "soap is soap". Often times people get so focused on the various things that they don't even pay attention to that fact. We seek specialty soap to do various things. We want moisturizer, de-greaser, sensitive, and so on. So then we've got these fifty thousand bottles of soap and when a simple task arrives we are so caught off guard just trying to pick which soap to use.
So you should know me by now and you should know the next thought that crossed my mind was "How does this apply to me internally?"
I thought about all of the "soaps" I have in my life. I have church/prayer, meditation, self-empowerment Cd's, self growth books, financial tools, books on better relationships, and so forth. When something needs to be cleaned in my life I start looking for the right thing to do it with. I often overwhelm myself with all the "soap" I have to clean up the messes of my life. Soap is just soap right? So I challenge you today to take a look at all of the different soaps in your life and remember soap is soap. If you have a situation that you are trying to "clean up" just perfectly, don't obsess. Just start cleaning. Before you know it, it will be all bright and shiny again. Until next time...  
