My Unposted Facebook Statuses

That's a super clever blog title I came up with huh? Well to explain just a bit for those of you who may not be with me on FB: for about the past three days I have had a thought stuck in my head. It has been one of those truly inspired, super revelational, just awesome statuses. Anyway...each time I have went to post my status all of a sudden my FB quits working. I was actually starting to get quite irritated when it hit me "Duh! I should just blog about it!!" So here goes.

I've been dwelling on a thought about how different people feel God. I think each person feels differently (though I think the power felt is for the most part the same). An artist feels God with every stroke of the paint brush. A musician feels God with every note sung. A writer (hey like me!) feels God with every word that fills a page. I could go on and on with how different people feel God in different ways. 

I also was thinking about these people and their talents. You know some people are just that good. It's the singer that touches your very soul with their words. Or it's the art that draws you in or the book that carries you to another time and place. It's the actor that is so convincing you can't possibly imagine them as anyone else (The cast of Friends for example). Most people have heard the phrase "Lord that girl/boy has got some God given talent." And it's so true.

I feel that any good artist/musician/actor/etc that taps into the power of God will convey that through their work. I feel that their talents will be amplified. I feel that every person on the face of the earth has such a talent and if each and that talent can be amplified in every individual if they would first tap into the power of God. 

My challenge to you today would be to look at something you are talented in and ask God to increase and amplify it and allow that power to move through you. And if you are one of those people that says "Oh I don't have a talent" I would challenge you today to search your soul and find it. You have one. Everyone does! Until next time...
