Whole But Broken

Have you ever reached a point  in your life where you are so low that you know the very next thing that comes your way will break you? I have. I've sat with my eyes red from tears that were shed because I didn't know where my next meal would come from. I've sat on edge for days on end praying that the money would work out in time. I've prayed and not gotten answers. And I have sat and thought "Dear God the very next thing will do me in. It'll be the end of me. It will just snap me in half."

Well it's happened too. I've had circumstances in my life literally break me. My heart has been broken. My finances have been broken. Jobs have been broken. My marriage was broken.

I've also physically broken bones. That sucks by the way. Anyway. What does that have to do with all the other things in my life that have been broken? Well let me tell you.

When a bone breaks there is a certain healing process that has to take place. Depending on the way the bone breaks, which bone breaks, how quickly it's treated, and more will determine the time it takes to heal. There will be swelling and clotting and various other processes. The healing time can be quite painful. Often the affected area of the body is mostly useless during the healing process. This can take weeks or even months. Usually a cast is applied and after a certain time taken off. When the cast is taken off the affected area of the body is typically incredibly weak. Muscles that have laid dormant struggle to catch back up. At the end though, when all is said and done, the exact area where the bone was broken usually comes out stronger than before the break. Due to the body's healing process that area of the break winds up with extra bone.

So I was thinking about that in relation to my life. My marriage was broken at one point. After a healing process it is now stronger than ever. Jobs that were broken led to bigger and better opportunities. My heart breaks have left me stronger and wiser. My finances being broken taught me how to handle money differently.

In all of these "breaks" I've come to find that when they were treated properly and allowed to heal things wound up better in the end. So while most people don't want to ever be broken (quite honestly it's PAINFUL) I can say now I'm thankful that I'm whole but that in my life I've been broken.

I challenge you today to look at something in your life that may be badly broken and rejoice in it. After your break heals just know you have the ability to be stronger than ever in that area of your life.
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Angela D Payne
