Everyone Needs a Pedicure

I think feet are one of the grossest things ever. Don't get me wrong, I supremely thankful for feet and the ability to get around. They just creep me out. They get nasty in flip flops and stinky in tennis shoes. Without proper care toenails become these horribly misshapen talons of nasty. There's people who give their feet no care at all (and you can tell) or the people that do part-time maintenance (you know...women with chipped up nail polish or men who trim but don't moisturize). Anyway...like I said...feet gross me out.
There is however once exception to this rule. There are baby feet. This blog stemmed from a text from my sister the other day. She has a three week old and she texted me "I love how soft her feet are...they haven't been tainted by this cruel world". It was perfect and so true.
A baby comes out with finger and toe prints to identify them but little else in the way of markings on their skin. It's smooth and so soft. After a bath and some J&J there's not much sweeter. They are perfect little pieces of awesome. As they grow older and learn to walk their feet become a little bit tougher.
I looked at my little girls feet after that text. She's nearly two. Her feet are in between. They aren't perfectly baby soft but they aren't nearly as rough and my nearly five year old little boy's. He has scars to show wear and tear on his. With each year that we as people grow our feet show more and more age.
While this applies definitely to the physical attributes I took what my sister said and thought about it on a deeper level. In our walk of life each situation we go through tends to toughen us up just a little bit more. A bad breakup makes us wary of love. A horrible boss makes us think all 9-5s are the same. God forbid we have a bad experience at church. Then all of a sudden every church person in the world is a hypocrite. You get my point.
So physically speaking I'm a huge proponent of pedicures. It's an hour of relaxation and repair. The technician washes away the "gross". They remove excess nail. They buff and polish until feet are shiny and almost like new. I think people need emotional pedicures every now and then. They need to remove things that have become hard in their heart shine things up a bit.
Today my challenge for you would be to look at your life and see if there is an area that is particularly rough. Take a few moments and see if you can soften it up a bit!
