What Can You Take Away From The Table?

I read so many blogs and articles and have heard people say "You need to see what YOU can BRING to the table". Today I would like to challenge that notion. While I think everyone should always bring something of worth and of value to every situation, I also think people should take something away from every situation.

If you are constantly in a position to give give give you eventually will find yourself depleted. If you constantly take take take you will eventually find yourself "overweight" so to speak. There has to be a balance in all things.

Sometimes the things you take away may be physical material items. For example maybe you have a friend that whenever you go around they send you home with a basket of cookies. That's something you are physically taking from the situation.

Maybe you have a friend that never offers you anything material but you always leave taking something emotional. Maybe every time you go around they uplift you and encourage you. Though it's not something tangible you can still take something away.

But what about the person that you can't stand to be around? You avoid them at all costs? They are negative or angry or any other emotion you want to remove from your life. But let's say you have an instance where you CANT avoid them. Maybe it's a family member and you have to see them at birthday parties. Maybe it's someone you work with and you can't just quit your job. Maybe it's someone at church but you love your place of worship and don't want to leave.

So what can you take there? You don't leave with cookies in tow. You don't leave them feeling uplifted and energized. What is there possibly you can gain from them? Well for starters you can leave with perspective. You can have a clear view of what not to do or be. You can leave with compassion. The more compassion you show maybe it will sink in. There is no limit to what you can take from the table even in a situation like that.

Whether you are taking something tangible or something obscure, whether you are taking something from someone you like or someone you prefer to not spend your energy on, or if it's a combination of all of the above, get a little bit selfish. Determine in your mind that in every situation you are going to find something to take away from the table. Don't forget though to bring something as well.

My challenge today is to make a conscious effort to both BRING something to each situation you encounter and TAKE something from it as well. Until next time...Be Blessed!
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