My Heavenly Father

Yesterday, as some of you may know, I was out most of the day with a migraine. While that was not fun, and I wasn't happy to miss church, some good did come out of it. I had several new blog ideas pop into my mind as well as some ideas for a Ladies Only Event. With that being said I will journey into the first idea that hit me.
I was laying in bed and my son came in to check on me. I told him how sweet he was for checking on me. He responded with "Well since I'm sweet can I have a new Megazord (a Power Rangers toy)" I said "Maybe later" Now the reason I said maybe later was because at that time I didn't want to even think about shopping. The more I thought about it though, the more I thought about the relationship between a parent and a child. Stick with me because I'm going somewhere with this.
I got to thinking about our relationship with God, who some refer to as a Heavenly Father. People think if they don't get something right away or exactly how they wanted it that God's being mean. I'm sure that's how my son must feel sometimes. In his little 4 1/2 year old eyes I'm just a horrible mother when I say no.
So let's take a look at the flip side. Let's say he asks me for a toy. I might say yes. Maybe it's something that's within budget that I know he will enjoy that will also provide him some educational value. Maybe in a few days he asks me for another toy. I might say no. He has his little heart broken. All he sees is that I say no. He may not realize I'm saying no because I know he won't enjoy the toy or that it's cheaply made and will quickly break. Maybe he asks me for a really large toy and I say no because I know a holiday is soon approaching and he will receive it then. Maybe I just want to buy him something better. You see where I'm going with this?
So let's look at the things we ask of God. Maybe he says no. We get our pitiful little feelings hurt and think how mean God is that we can't have it. Speaking for myself sometimes I will have a little pity party about why I didn't get it. Or maybe I do the spoiled brat thing and stomp my feet and yell a little because I WANT IT!! All the while maybe God knows that new car that I'm DEAD SET on having will have mechanical problems. Maybe the new camera I want is ok but just down the road someone will offer me one that is twice as nice. Maybe God is lining things up for my new home just around the corner and doesn't want to give in to the second best that I'm begging for.
Along the same lines I thought about the way my son and daughter react when I do give them something. Typically they both say please when they ask. They (sometimes) wait patiently until I give them the desired item especially once I've said yes. They know if I said yes that it's comign to them. It may take a minute but it's coming. Then once I give them the item I have taught both of them to say thank you. If they hurry through the thank you I make them slow down, give me a hug, and put some feeling into the words. I want them to be grateful. I want them to really appreciate what they have received.
So let's think about the things we ask God for. Do we say please when we ask? I know I'm guilty of just basically demanding something and then expecting it to happen instantly. Then do we wait patiently? I'm a right now kind of person. Do we say thank you with sincerre thought and feelign or do we just rush through it because it's the "right" thing to do?
This whole thought process was really eye opening for me. My challenge to you today is to do the following when you ask God for something. 1) Ask nicely. Please works wonders. 2) Wait patiently. It's on the way. 3) Say thank you and really mean it. And keep in mind if God tells you no there's probably a reason you can't see. 
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