Early In The Morning

Recently I have really begun working on my communication skills. I am not always the most tactful person (shocker!) and I often speak before I think. Even worse sometimes I don't communicate with people at all until it is much too late. In with my new found quest for better communication I have also been working on my prayer/meditation skills. I'm not one of those people that LIKES to pray. I find it awkward and just strange talking to someone I can't see.
You know, I got to thinking though, I text and I send emails. That's basically talking to someone you can't see right? So I got creative and decided to start "emailing" God (stay with me here...I haven't jumped on the crazy train just yet). So I opened a blank Word document and just began typing. I just let it fly. What I was thinking for the day, how I was feeling, things I was searching, they all began filling the page. I've been doing this for several days now and no matter how strange it may seem, I've begun looking forward to my "email" time. Whether it qualifies as prayer or just good old fashioned venting, it does have an impact on my mindset. I usually do this during the evenings when the kids are settling in for bed or when they are busy playing. I have an entire days worth of "junk" to vent. Well this morning I had a revelation.
There's a scripture in the Bible (I think...don't try and quote me on it) that says something to the effect of rising early in the morning to do something (goes to show I need to brush up on my Bible skills right?) Anyway. I've heard many people through out my life talk about rising early in the morning to pray. My mom is one of those people. She will be up before the sun rises doing her morning things. I however am NOT a morning person. I struggle before my third cup of coffee. I digress. Back to the thought at hand. I've really been trying to treat my spirituality as more of a relationship between myself and my Creator lately. I try and look at it as I would treat my family or friends. What if I woke up and went the entire day without speaking to my husband? While he might enjoy the temporary silence for a while eventually he would start thinking I was mad at him or something. Or what if I went an entire day without talking to my mom or sister. Good Lord they would have the Police, Armed Forces, and Lord only knows who else hunting me. If I went all day without talking to my kids they would just drive me nuts until I did. I said all that to say this. What happens when we go all day without talking to our Creator? I wonder what that does for the relationship.
So my revelation was two fold today. Number one- Even if you have to get creative, find a way to connect to your Creator. Number two- Don't wait until the day is done to communicate. While it might not be before the sun rises, make it a priority to communicate early in your morning (whatever time that may be). I gave it a shot today and found that instead of complaining for several minutes then being thankful my mindset was more thankful for several minutes and then I just broached a few concerns. I think it gave my communication for today a whole new attitude.
My challenge for you would be: Tomorrow make it a point to communicate with God within the hour you wake up. Even if it's simple "Hey God let's have a great day" or if it's more in depth make it a point to communicate "early in the morning".
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  1. You made me smile. You made me laugh out loud. You made me THINK. It doesn't get any better than that! Hugs and loves!!

  2. Thank you! That's what I aim to do. If someone can get a laugh via me it's all worth it. Hugs and loves to you and your man on the mountain!


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