You Want To Complain About That?

I was sitting today and thinking about all of the things I desire to have manifest in my life. I was thinking about how some people might get upset when things don't manifest exactly as they wanted.
For example: Recently I was desiring a new pair of shoes. I wanted them to be black and that's about the only stipulation I put on them. I simply wanted shoes for my upcoming beach trip. I didn't know how or where I would get them. After focusing on them for several days and planning my trip to the mall for an expensive pair of shoes they finally manifest.
They weren't at the mall though and they weren't expensive. I found them at a local shoe store and I got them on sale plus a percentage off then half off that lowest price. They are still a nice pair of shoes.
Now I could have complained because I didn't go to the mall and they didn't cost me a ridiculous amount of money. Or I could just be grateful for getting exactly what I wanted.
Which type of person are you? Do you get upset and complain when things don't come to you exactly as expected or do you take notice and appreciate the fact that you still got what you wanted or even better?
I challenge you today to take a look at the things in your life that have showed up in a different way than you planned for and to be genuinely thankful for them!
