Don't Forget About "Real" Life

So in recent days I have really been working on my manifesting techniques and methods. I have put a lot of time and energy into seeing what method resonates within me. I have updated my vision boards (which are actually not boards at all). I have written letters to my future self (which aren't real letters but merely documents saved on my computer). I have discussed things with those close to me so they can help me when I can't see the way as clear.
In all of that it got me thinking about my real life right here in the present. A person could easily lose themselves in the in between.
If a person is so focused on their future selves they could lose track of the person in the present. Now in some situations that might be ok. A person who literally has no where to go but up might completely immerse themselves in their future self. But what about a regular Joe or Jane who has a fair amount of money, nice house, nice cars, good kids, good relationships, etc...and all they want is something a touch better than what they have. I think that's all fine and good to want more. Here's what becomes problematic in my eyes. When the regular Joe or Jane are so focused on their future they forget to appreciate the moment they are in. In the hustle and bustle of trying to get where they are going they began going through the motions and become robotic in their present life.
My round about thought is this- Don't be so focused on the future that you forget to live in the present. Precious memories will be made without you. Moments to last a lifetime will hold no meaning for you. And then when you finally get where you think you want to go you may find yourself there alone and still lost.
My challenge to you today is to cherish the moment. Enjoy time with your family. Take a few mintues and NOT think about what's goign on tomorrow or in two hours or even five minutes. Be present in the moment. Enjoy your life. Enjoy every step you take to get where you are going.
