I Wish I Had That _______

I was riding down the road the other day and passed a car that I love. It was shiny and new and had all of the features I am looking for in a new vehicle. I said "I would LOVE to have that car." In my *positive thinking*/*future speak* I said "They should give me that car."
Fast forward a few days. I saw a lady walking through a restaurant I was sitting in and I was admiring her outfit. I said "I would LOVE to have her outfit!! It would be great for our beach trip."
Now on to today. I'm driving along in my little automobile and see a house with land that is just picture perfect. You can probably guess by now what I said. "I would LOVE to have that house. It's perfect for me. Those people should move out so I can move in." Enter revelational moment.
Each time that I speak I would like _____ or I wish I had their _____ I am actually putting out a negative thought process. How is that possible you might ask? Well by saying that I want that person's such and such I am saying that I no longer want them to have it. I want it to be taken from them or I want them to give it away. So what if someone was saying that about me and my things? Not cool.
I got to thinking. Maybe I should start saying "I would love to have a ______ like that." Or maybe I could say "It would be so awesome if that person found a bigger and better house and I obtained that one."
It just hit me that to better myself I need to do it in a way that also betters others. After all it's all connected.
I challenge you today to watch your verbal (or even mental) intentions and manifestations. Remember the tongue has the power of life and death.
