Dirty Water...

I was doing the dishes the other night by hand (this in itself is a miracle!). Anyway, I had let the water get a bit cold while I was doing other things in the kitchen and around the house. By the time I finally got to the dishes my "soak" water had turned a murky color somewhat along the lines of brown. There was zero visibility to this water. It was that not-quite warm temperature that's just nasty to reach into.

Combine all these things and throw some dishes into the mix. Get the picture? Right. So I reached my little hands in and grabbed the first dish I could get my fingers on. It was my large chopping knife. Before I realized what I had grabbed I had a good grip on it. Fortunately I grabbed the handle end and not the blade end. Next time I will make sure and drain the nasty water before I go feeling
Let's do that thing I like to do so frequently and compare it to life. What was the lesson learned?
If you have a situation in your life that is some what murky, maybe a bit on the nasty side, and you definitely can't see in, you probably shouldn't mess with it.
I challenge you today to look at situations in life you may be getting ready to make a decision on, take a second look at it and make sure you aren't about to "grab a knife" so to speak!


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