Talking To Someone You Love (Astonishing personal thoughts on simplified praying...but still powerful)

When I was younger I was in love with a group called "The Carouthers" that sang a song about prayer. I don't remember all of the words (though if I sat here and started singing I'm sure they would come back to me). For the past two days however the chorus has been stuck in my head. Before I type the lyrics I want you to read this with an open mind. I'm not about to go off on a religious tirade here. Just read and follow me.

"Talking to someone you love isn't hard to do. So why should we have trouble talking to you? Why do we make it so complicated, when it can be so easily stated. All that praying really is, is talking to someone you love."

Why has this song been stuck in my head? Well maybe it's because I've been dwelling lately on the fact that I have a hard time praying. Do I think prayer is a necessary thing? Sure thing. Do I think that the "Lord God in Heaven" highly worded prayers are the right way to go? Not necessarily. There are people that meditate and never say a word, but they are in a state that could be related to prayer. Through prayer or meditation comes a direct connectedness to the One that created all.

Ok. A.D.D. under control. Back to "why is this song stuck in my head?" Well like I said. I've been really focused on the difficulty I find in praying. I think this song came into mind to show me...prayer is easy. It's literally talking to a friend, someone you love, someone you have known your whole life. I have struggled more than once with how to pray "correctly". Again, there is no more clear answer than just talk to someone I love.

In the past few days and the discovery I have made it has comforted me. I challenge you today to take a few minutes to "talk to someone you love" and spend a few minutes in prayer/meditation connecting with the One that said "I Am that I Am".
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