Keep Dreaming!

Have you ever had a dream? Sure you have. Everyone has. Maybe something small, maybe something large, but everyone has had a dream. Now I'm not talking about a dream that you have in the middle up the night and wake up struggling to remember. I am talking about a dream deep in your soul that burns within you. It's something that you desire to do, or attain, or be. That's the kind of dream I am talking about.

Let's say you are maybe one of those people that became a dreamer later on in life. Maybe you never had anything that you felt passionate about or maybe you didn't think you could reach your dream. Or let's say you are one of those people that become a dreamer early on. Maybe as a small child you walked around playing Doctor or teaching to the other kids. Whatever your dream you knew young what it was and what you wanted to see manifest.

Either way, whichever dreamer you are, this post applies to you. I just want to say to you don't stop dreaming!! Maybe you have reached that point where you feel like "what's the point"? You might want to give up. You might think you should change your dream because you aren't good enough for the one you picked out. Well I have a metaphor for you here. Stick with me:

Let's for a moment say your dream is in the form of a present that's in your mailbox. It's been delivered. It literally is ALREADY THERE. You are in your house and you are thinking about this present in the mail. You really want this present. You can't stop thinking of anything but this present. You know that as soon as you get to the mail box you will be blissfully happy just to even see the packaging. Got it? Ok. So if your driveway is short then super. You get to your package quickly and are able to enjoy it sooner. What if your driveway is longer though? Are you going to just not check the mail? Or would you walk halfway and then decide to go the other direction? Probably not. No matter how short or long your driveway you are going to make that trek to get your present.

I know all of that is a bit of a stretch relating to a dream, but it's much the same. So if you know that at the end of your  metaphorical driveway is going to be the most awesome present ever KEEP DREAMING. Keep walking. Keep persevering. Even if you have little obstacles in the way KEEP GOING. After all, you KNOW it's already there right?

I challenge you today to dust off your dreams and give them a new insight and a new life. KEEP dreaming.
