Go Bake a Potato!!

I have come to find that my inspiration often comes from the strangest places. Today's inspiration came from baking a potato. That's right. Baking a potato. Well technically I cheated and bought one of those pre-wrapped ones that you throw in the microwave....but that's another blog.
This potato was all ready to go. Cleaned, wrapped, and just ready to be cooked. It said place in the microwave for 8 minutes. Ok. Microwave started. Enter inspiration. What do I do for 8 minutes? Do I go sit back down and allow the TV to have 8 more minutes of my life? Do I play on my cell phone? Do I get back on the Internet?
I actually decided to empty my dishwasher. I just KNEW that would take 8 minutes. Wrong. I was able to empty/reload my dishwasher, fix both kids a drink, and fix their lunch. After all of that I still had about 30 seconds to spare!
It got me to thinking about all of the brief moments of time that pop up in our lives. You know that moment. It's the moment where you think you could get something done, but you just KNOW you won't get it finished. Often times it is that very mentality that keeps us from doing anything in those moments. So once or twice a day (maybe more) we have these moments. Maybe it's 3 minutes, maybe it's 30. My challenge to you today would be to evaluate what you do in your moments when you think you can't do anything else. The next time you have 4 or 6 minutes on your hand today I want you to find something productive to fill that moment. Clean out your purse/wallet, empty the trash, or maybe make your bed. See what you can get done in the moments where you think you couldn't accomplish anything.
