
I woke up with a thought stuck in my head this morning. I was thinking about focus.
It has been proven that as humans people tend to pick out and focus on negatives. People actually have to be conscious and train themselves to live in and focus on the positive.
Back to the thought at hand. I was thinking about how some people literally do nothing but focus on what they don't want. Therefor that's all they ever see.
A cool comparison popped into my head.
Let's say you are thirsty. You are so thirsty you think you might die. You just want something quenching to put in your mouth. So "life" (if you will) hands you two cups. Both of them are full to the brim! One has refreshing, cool, perfect water. The other cups is full of sand.
So the negative person looks at the very last cup handed to them. They complain "why was I handed SAND...I said I'm THIRSTY." They turn the glass of sand around in their hands and analyze it. They try to figure why they were the ones given sand instead of water. They complain about how the sand is good for nothing. They begin to curse life. All the while the water in their other hand is evaporating second by second until there is none.
The positive person tells "life" thank you for these cups. They begin to sip on their water first and appreciate its value to them. They are also appreciative of the cup of sand. While they joyously enjoying their water they are running through ideas in their mind of how they can use the sand. They could use it to level something. They could fill a hole. They could build a teeny tiny castle. The possibilities for the positive person are endless.
I really think that as people if we could train ourselves more to focus on and live in positivity we would be better creatures. Does that mean nothing bad will ever come your way (like a cup of sand)? Of course not. What it means is that when something less pleasant IS handed to you, you are still grateful for it and for what you could transform it into.
I challenge you today to take a situation you may perceive to be less than pleasant and find a way you can bring the positive out of it. EVERY situation has positivity in it somewhere. I promise.
