Does God Hate You??

I was sitting here trying to narrow down what I wanted to write about today. The thought literally slapped me upside the head about people who think "God must hate me!!" This thought is somewhat inspired by a chapter of a book recently read entitled "The Shack". It's a fiction writing about a man's encounter with God. While it is fictitious I think there are some really deep thoughts to be found in the book.

There is a specific part to where God is directly likened to an earthly parent. I'm going to give you now my version.

Let's say you are a parent. You have a couple of kids and if they are like mine they can be wild. My son particularly goes crazy when given blue juices of any sort. When him or my daughter miss a nap they either become supremely angry or incredible hyper. 

So let's say you are a parent to a child that's had blue juice AND missed nap time. Needless to say they are probably wild right? Do you hate them for being wild? Nah.

Let's go a few years in time. Now this next thought is going to be a stretch for anyone who isn't a parent probably. Let's say that your child is now older. Maybe they got into trouble growing up and became reclusive. Even worse what if they became criminals? On the worst end of the spectrum what if they committed an unthinkable crime like murder?

As a parent would you stop loving your child? Probably not. Anger might be present, hurt, confusion, but at the end of the day you would still love your child.

Let's then put that in to relation with God. So many people seem to struggle with "God doesn't love me. God did this horrible thing to me. I did this horrible thing and now God must hate me." Well if God is a supernatural/spiritual parent, wouldn't He love His children just the same? Might there be some of those same emotions of anger, hurt, etc? Probably. Would He stop loving you? Doubtful.
All of this is just my personal opinion. I'm not trying to change any one's core beliefs I'm simply trying to put a different perspective out there. I challenge you today to take a situation you may have been struggling with and realize God loves you unconditionally. When the entire world is against you, God is for you!
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