Balance The Checkbook

Last night I was having one of my middle of the night thinking sessions. I've come to find 3 and 4 am delivers some great thinking material which filters down into my blogging and book writing. Good stuff.
In said session last night I got to thinking about shopping and how that relates to us asking for things from God. Ok I know it's a stretch. I was thinking about a husband and a wife. The wife wants to go shopping. In most relationships (I know there are a few exceptions to the rule) the wife would say something along the lines of "Hey babe I need a new _____. Do you need/want anything while I'm out?" Or maybe they are in a relationship to where she would just go buy what she needs, pick something up for her husband, and then she will just tell him when she next sees him "Hey I bought _____." They could even be in a relationship to where she might not tell him at all until they sit down to balance the checkbook. At the end of the month she just says "Hey I spend $___ on ____." However it all plays out it's typically a fairly easy process and there's mutual courtesy exchanged.
Well what does that have to do with us asking for things from God? I personally was shown many times in my life that when asking something from God you first have to prepare yourself. This could take minutes or hours. Once you are "holy" enough you can ask. Often times though this asking was likened to begging. People would spend days, months, or years even BEGGING God to do something or give them something or fix something. Even then it was only believed that you deserved such things if it was in god's will. Now, I'm not trying to knock all that, I'm just trying to show a different perspective.
So if we could have such a relationship with our spouse to where we ask and receive, why can we not have the same relationship with the creator of the Universe? Do we think there's less power to say "yes" I think not! I think we CAN have this same relationship. Imagine telling God "Oh hey by the way I need to run buy some new _____" and just knowing it was done. Imagine not having to beg and plead and cry for months on end. What a way to do things.
I am going to try and live more this way and I challenge you today to have a more expectant attitude. Be thankful for what you have and what you get but don't sit and beg and plead. The Bible says "ask and ye SHALL receive."
