And this is how it happens...

I have done quite a bit of research and studying on manifeststation. So many people have different views of how to do it, how long it takes, is there a right time or place and so on. Well let me give you just a quick small example of how it happens.

The other day I was shaving my legs. Random thought of that song "Did I Shave My Legs For This" pops into my head. Can't think of any of the words other than that. My mind starts a crazy trail and trying to think of who sings it I go from that to "Strawberry Wine" which takes me to "Red Red Wine" and somehow at the end of it all I wind up at The Beach Boys "Kokomo". I get my mind all situated and think nothing else of it.

A few days later I was watching a movie with my daughter that I haven't seen in YEARS called Anastasia. It's an animated film and at the very end during the credits a song comes on. The singer sounds ever so familiar and I can't quite put my finger on who it is. So I Google the soundtrack. HOLY COW!! The singer is none other than Deana Carter. Guess what she sang? Yep. "Did I Shave My Legs For This".

Call it coincidence if you choose. I however believe this was a chain of events set in motion by my focus on that one little line from a song I've not listened to but maybe once in my life. Crazy? Maybe. True story? Of course.
