Watch Out For Thieves

Recently I was able to see firsthand the results of a thief. My brother had his personal lawnmower stolen right from his yard. Now to set the scene for you this was a riding mower. These jokers aren't light. To make matters even more challenging this particular mower was in a state of dysfunction and wouldn't start. So whoever stole it had to push it to get it loaded. The story gets better. My brother is a minister...AND a cop. Ok so stealing from him is like a double no-no. So the thieves have this mower that they are going to have to push/pull to load. Well when did they steal it you might ask? Middle of the night? During a storm when things were crazy and nobody would notice? Heck no. They did it in broad daylight while my brother was home!
Fast forward a few weeks. My Dad has a trailer that hooks to his truck. These things might have wheels but they weigh a lot. Dad had a few safety precautions that he had personally installed to prevent theft. Well thieves didn't care. They got right to it. Again in broad daylight.
That brings me to this. Last night I was laid awake in my bed thinking and all I could keep thinking about was the audacity that someone had to steal from 2 ministers and a the middle of the day... This got me to thinking about the things that are stolen everyday from us. I'm not talking about "things" so much though anymore.
Happiness, peace, creativity, productivity, love, and the list just grows. What is sad is that these things aren't stolen on some dark night when we are unaware. They are stolen right in front of us and we quite often don't even notice.
We sit and watch shows with no value and time is stolen. We go out with "friends" and family importance is stolen. We spend time with people other than our spouses in inappropriate ways and love is stolen.
I think you get my point. I am by no means trying to preach, but it just struck me how many things are stolen. I hope that I am more aware of such an attempt from now on. I'm not saying no tv or no time with friends I just want to be more aware and conscious of protecting the things that are precious to me.
I challenge you today to take a look at your own life and see if you have things being stolen from you. If not, great, but if so try and protect the things of importance to you! 


  1. So sorry about the thefts. We have been victims recently, too, and thieves are getting more and more brazen. Thanks for a good lesson on what's important and what we have control over so that it is not "stolen"!


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